So today I ran the furthest I have ever run in my life. In fact… the furthest I have probably even walked in one day. I ran 27.5kms. I ran all over Brisbane before breakfast! It went pretty well until about 22km when things started to get a bit ugly. I started to really hurt all over. The soles of my feet were burning, my sciatica was playing up, my shoulders ached and I found it very difficult to hold my form. I was so tired. Every step felt almost impossible. I guess the positive side was that I learned - again - what I am capable of and also, it was good mental practice for pushing through that discomfort. However, part of me was asking myself, "how on earth am I EVER going to run 42kms at this rate?" Next weekend is a 29km run and let me tell you now - I can hardly wait…. Eeeeeeek!! The highlight of the day was my GU which was absolutely delicious! It tasted like an Arnott's Mint Slice biscuit
that had been through the pulveriser. Yum! I had a Tri-Berry too, which was also pretty good but I think I could have/should have had something more because not only was I hurtin' all over, I felt a bit sick too. Is that normal? Maybe I was a bit dehydrated or something? I will have to check with my coach..
To celebrate successfully finishing this - in my mind - Incredible Feat of Endurance, I bought myself a pair of super-fancy socks from InTraining. They were having a sale so I feel little less bad about the expense of them. They are supposedly brilliant and will possibly stop my feet hurting next week. I will let you know! Or my feet will let ME know & I will pass on the info.
Now it's off to play Mr Wolf with my 8 year-old step-granddaughter who seems to have no sensitivity to my aching body. Bring on a glass of wine and the ice-cream!!
Thanks Jen, you have covered two topics that are top of mind for me at moment - gels and socks. I tried a BSC gel on Saturday morning and it was awful. My favourite is the Endura citrus gel, but I might have to give the 'mint slice' a go. And well done on 27.5kms, another 15kms and you won't need to do Gold Coast in July ;-)