Saturday, May 28, 2011


Hate to start my blog with such a negative little word but ****, I am hurting BAD today.  My chair is ultra hard right now, my calves are squealing, my feet throbbing, my hips groaning… and my heart racing at the thought of this all being over in Just Five Weeks!  Blah, blah, blah.  Please forgive my negativity.  This morning was another 30km run and while it was pretty and I was running with my fab running buddies, I just did not have my act together.  My mojo went to the movies (or breakfast, shopping, for a pedicure …) and left me alone with my cerebral demons.   The actual truth lies more in the fact that I possibly did not adequately carb load yesterday. I did buy a delicious Danish pastry, but only ate 1/4 of it. I did have chocolate caramel slice in the 'fridge, but only ate one square.  I did eat some bread, but only two slices…  I need to get on top of this carb loading caper, and soon!  I have trawled the internet and again, Hal Higdon comes up with some interesting info as does Run-Tex, a running store in Austin, Texas.  I think I have spent too much time on simple carbs rather than complex carbs.  If only I knew what the heck they all were!  All I understand is chocolate and ice-cream…  Livestrong has some info on its website too, with a list of complex carb food suggestions.  I really noticed the difference today as compared to other days when I think I have eaten alot more sensibly the day before - and also drunk alot more water.  I guess this is how we all learn, right?  Still, I wasn't so knocked out that I couldn't get my camera 'phone into action for a few Happy Snaps along the way.  Mind you, by 17kms, the camera was put away as I concentrated on the discomfort and weariness.  It has smashed my confidence a bit but I am sure the next long run will go better… won't it?? 
Deb, Jason, Sarah, Avril 

The Maritime Museum at SouthBank, with Jessica Watson's tiny "Ella's Pink Lady" in the centre-ground

Jason, Deb & Peter at the traffic lights (29kms along)

Heading out along the SouthBank foreshore

Deluded, hypoxic, smiling GiddyUp, Deb, Sarah at the half-way mark!!!

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