Saturday, June 15, 2013

Running really IS good for you. It is!

I am trying to believe that headline IS true as I nurse aching legs, hip joints, a sore hand and a headache after a 20km run this morning involving another fall (my third in six months) in which I cracked my head on the concrete. 
I do.  Running is why paracetamol and anti-inflammatories were invented, don't you know?  I was actually super pleased to run 20km today but wouldn't have made it without my buddies Natalie and David.  The rest of the group were far ahead but as we three were pounding along at about the same pace, we made a bit of an unspoken pact and stuck together.  So, after falling and wondering if I was concussed, it was David (ex-Army) who got me up and walking straight away, before I could turn into a pansy and wimp out - on a day where I had no CityCat money!  The three of us egged each other along and before long, we'd made it back, just in time for coffee, which I'd been thinking about for the last 10kms -  and talking about for the last five....
Even though my back (sacroiliac joints) is still hurting, the exercises I'm now doing are starting to help, I'm pretty sure.  I think some swimming might be good too so I need to find myself a pool, preferably heated!  I'm trying to take the pressure off myself about the marathon and think of it as a FUN thing rather than a difficult, challenging thing.  
Now, back to my uni assignment and perhaps some more analgesia - or ONE square of Whittaker's peanut butter chocolate?  Today was the inaugural City2South run in Brisbane and by all accounts, it was fantastic.  So, perhaps next year I will give that a go - after I have retired from marathon running for ever! 

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