Saturday, April 16, 2011

Carb loading

Am I doing it right?  Hmmm, not sure.  What I AM doing, I am not really enjoying, but it may be down to my food choices.  Today for example:  cereal, skinny milk, slice of fruit toast, Endura, jubes, water, water, water, a hot cross bun, a corned beef sandwich (yum), grapes, water, water …. I just don't want to eat anything else!  And I have dinner to go (pasta & a veal chop).  I don't think I really like thinking about carbs.  However, I just went Googling for some info and found this very useful and information site from the Australian Institute of Sport, which I will refer to more often now.  Tomorrow I am up for 30km and I feel quite excited about it, though a bit apprehensive too.  Of course, the usual multiple aches and pains have bothered me this week but none last too long.  A good stretch, or some sleep and they seem to go.  I have also been back to visit Greg at Access Natural Health and I have to say, the shiatsu really does seem to work!  The pain in my scapula has gone and so has the pain in the ankle I had yesterday.  However, I do have a bit of a platar fasciitis-type niggle in my arch so am rolling my foot around on an ice pack.  Groannn… it's one thing or the other isn't it?  What a litany or lurgies.  A constellation of chaos!   This morning I had THIRTEEN runners at my beginner group, which was my biggest turnout ever!  It's so good to see so many people want to get out and run, run, run.  On the advice of Greg and Linda, my coach, I didn't run with them but rode my bike instead, for a break from pavement pounding. I have hardly ridden my bike lately (tsk, tsk) and to be honest, it was a really excellent solution because the group was spread out over about a kilometre, so I was able to ride between runners to see how they were doing. I think I will do that again!  Shame I don't have a picture of me on my bike to add to this blog, but that's the way it is when you just don't get out there and ride enough!  I did NOT look like this though! Ha, ha! I have "stolen" this picture from a website called, "Hot Triathletes", which is why it's so small, but you get the gist...

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