Hi fellow runners.... Tick, tock, tick, tock. It's Wednesday lunchtime and I have been Googling healthy carbs, in preparation for my carb load saga, starting tomorrow. I really do not want to eat processed carbs. Really! I want to be HEALTHY. That seems to mean sweet potato, corn, cauliflower, beans, pickles (!), low-fat yoghurt, rice, oats, spinach... Basically, all the sort of food that I really don't want to have in my system within 24 hours of my run, if you know what I mean. I guess Saturday will be Donut Day. I am packing my jar of Nutella. Speaking of packing, I am writing a list (another list!) and will put everything out this evening, to be sure I have everything. Ohhh, anyone would think I was going on some sensational overseas holiday, rather than slogging my guts out for four hours plus! We've been advised to pack two pairs of shoes, socks, shorts and not to forget our "lucky undies", sunglasses, hat, shirt blah, blah, blah. I am taking a sleeping bag, not being entirely sure of my sleeping arrangements whilst on the Gold Coast! Am I just blathering on? Yesssss, well, it's because I AM a blithering, excited mess! This morning it was off for another massage with The Mistress of Pain, who has reminded me I am a bit tight in the hammies.
As for my Everyday Hero fundraising, I am up to $1955. So close!! My beloved has not coughed up so I am pretty well assured I will hit my target amount before Sunday. Hooray! I have loved reading all the messages of encouragement people have left. It really makes me feel happy and I feel in a Really Great Place right now. I can only hope all my fellow runners are feeling as fantastic as I am. More later, no doubt!
PS: I can't believe the entire world can see what size t-shirt I have ordered AND what my birthday is, as it is emblazoned across my race number for everyone to see. So much for privacy and dignity!
All the best for Sunday Jen. I will keep an eye out for you, and I can't wait to see the Intraining pom poms as this will signal that I'm very close to finishing. Thanks for being a part of my journey, and I very happy to have been a part of yours. Your stories have kept me entertained and focused. Now, I must go and write my own list and make a note of your birthday!